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It's War!

It was all over the news yesterday, maybe below the cut line or starting in a corner, but it was in the news. The Boy Scouts will be accepting girls.

Now this blog may make some people angry, but if we’re going to live a Christian life in a hellish world, we need to confront a few things.

  1. We are not meant to “fit in” as Christians in a hellish world;

  2. Satan is the god of this world, we are not of it, just in it;

  3. Man is meant to be the spiritual head of the household

My premise for this blog is that there is a war on women and family in the US and it’s disguised as progress. It’s not new. The war can be traced back for generations, but in its current form it started in earnest during the 1960’s civil rights movement. Women scored major victories in the mid-twentieth century towards equal treatment, but what did women gain? Women now work as long and as hard as men in the workplace. Women now run businesses and eat takeout in the boardroom and complain about middle-aged weight gain. Women wear the steel grey power suit matched with the red power accessory, sometimes a tie, and take meetings over coffee.

Congratulations, ladies. You are now a hamster on a wheel just like the rest of us.

Don’t take that the wrong way. Women aren’t lesser creatures. On the contrary, the bible commands us to honor women (Gal 3:28), to value a woman over all else (Prov 31), to be united equally with one woman (1 Cor 11:11), and to sacrifice everything for her. “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” (Eph 5:25, ESV) If a man is commanded to give up his life for his wife, how can she be lesser than he?

But in the clamor for equality we’ve lost sight that Christians aren’t meant to live as “equals” with those around us, in the workplace or in the woods, which brings me to the true reason for this blog.

Satan has convinced the world that families can do without strong men as leaders and that women are perfectly capable of handling everything on their own. He’s practically dismantled entire cultural family structures where men have become donors leaving women to raise babies alone. A few years ago CNN ran a story that more than 72 percent of children born into black families in America are born to single mothers. Seventy-two percent! That’s three in four children born without a male role model. Seventy-two out of every one hundred boys and girls have to actively hunt down and observe on their own how a man should respect a woman. Three quarters of an entire culture has to learn from a deficit that women are of equal importance, not because they can birth babies or because they can do math, but because God commanded it.

That’s war.

In the 1980’s we had the Cosby Show (the show, not the actor). Before that it was the Waltons and Andy Griffith. Now we get Blackish, Modern Family, and Real Housewives. Sure some television is beneficial, even gratifying, and in reality we should never rely on Hollywood to set our familial standards or our moral compass, but Modern Family? Really? Doesn’t that show alone make my point perfectly?

Now we get the Boy Scouts of America assaulting women by allowing girls into their organization. Someone will say, “What’s wrong with letting girls be scouts? Girls can do anything boys can do.” But that’s the problem. Girls and boys CAN do the same things, but just because they CAN doesn’t mean they SHOULD. Boys and girls are bombarded with unity and sameness everywhere and from all directions. A girl can’t even play with Barbie dolls anymore without someone accusing her parents of being sexist and a boy can’t play cops and robbers without someone accusing his parents of fostering white privilege. Now we get the Boy Scouts – wait, what do we call it now, Gender Neutral Scouts or how about the Androgynous Pat Scouts – celebrating how similar girls are to boys in every way. Modern Family here we come.

“For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.” (Eph 5:23, NIV)

News flash – Christ sacrificed His life so that His church might live! God build man and women in His image, equal in every aspect but with clearly distinct purpose. So before we go celebrating another “success” in destroying Christian values in America, visit the American Heritage Girls and Trail Life USA and see if those models don’t make more Christian sense. Stop celebrating the destruction of the family and get back in line with what God has planned. That doesn’t mean women have to leave the workforce or men have to be the lone breadwinner, but it should mean that men have enough courage to not force their spouses to bear the weight of leadership if they are at all capable.

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