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Tebowing and Blossoming

Tim Tebow takes a knee, thanks the Lord, and gets ridiculed for his religious acculturation of American football. Tim now plays baseball after Rex Ryan killed his career. Colin Kaepernick takes a knee, decries social injustice, opts out of his contract and the free world is divided. Colin still inspires millionaire football players to kneel – but nobody’s Tebowing.

Mayim Bialik tweeted her choice in dressing modestly and not acting flirtatiously helps her avoid sexually compromising situations. Bialik dresses according to her Jewish faith and she’s being lambasted for victim blaming. Hollywood in general worships sex and debauchery and requires diligent research and choices be made selecting entertainment else we can run afoul of our own standards.

Again, I’m reminded of Jesus’ repeated warnings in the chapter of John that Christians are in the world, but not of the world. We, like Jesus, are from the Father (John 17:16) and our troubles aren’t aimed at us, but at Him (John 15:20). It doesn’t make troubles fun, but troubles can’t kill your joy.

Here’s the good news, Christians. Satan is defeated and his dominion over the world has already been judged. Jesus has overcome the world! That doesn’t mean our troubles are over or will even be lessened. On the contrary, the prince of this world has been judged but he hasn’t yet been caged. (John 16) He fights with every fiber in his being, which is considerably stronger than ours but absolutely no match for Christ. If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom 8:31)

So the next time you see a Christian standing up for his or her beliefs, praise God that you are not alone. Whether it’s athletes like Tebow and actresses like Bialik, or the lady on the corner stoic and steadfast in loss, praise God for their faith too. You may not draw the ire of the likes of Rex Ryan or an entire intolerant feminist movement, but the strongman’s eyes are on you just the same. Trust in God, stand on His promises, and remind Satan of your true heritage. (Matthew 12:28-30)

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