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Hosanna in the highest!

Today is Palm Sunday and we commemorate Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Today so many years ago Jesus triumphantly rode on a colt, over cloaks and palm branches, to the cries of the people, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” (Matt 21:9, NIV) He rode on the donkey and listened to their praise even as He knew in less than a week He would be betrayed and beaten, crucified, pierced, and entombed, and would rise victorious over death, hell, Satan and the grave. He rode to the end of His human journey so that He could fulfill scripture, the Father’s will, and be the sacrifice we all needed for the cost of our sin.

We celebrate Christ’s triumphant entry into what we now term the “Holy Week” in Christiandom. During that holy week, Christ challenged the corruption in the church and dealt harshly with the crooked politicians who would ultimately lead the call to crucify him, no doubt fists raised. Not once did Jesus tout his own right to the throne, instead letting the people be His voice. “And although they were seeking to arrest him, they feared the crowds, because they held him to be a prophet.” (Matt 21:46, NIV)

So remember this Holy Week not only His triumphant entry, but his challenge – be His voice that causes the chief priests and Pharisees to tremble. Be the infant who brings untainted praise. Be the son who serves.

Hosanna in the highest!

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