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He is - I Am - on a Monday with coffee

Traveling in to work this morning from my room at the Luxor – as I navigate the streets of Sin City with my window down and Air One blaring on the radio – I couldn’t help but chuckle at the lyrics of the song.

“Give me a good cup of coffee

Give me a word that rocks me

A whole lot of Jesus and a little caffeine

You are my awakening” – John Waller

Seriously. It doesn’t get any better than that on a Monday morning in Sin City. Jesus you are my awakening, just give me coffee to get through this Monday. Priceless.

Still, the idea that Jesus, the Son of God, one equal pillar of the Holy Trinity, the intercessor of my prayer and the one who took my sin on His shoulders and died on the cross so that my sin wouldn’t have to condemn me to hell is even willing to speak to me, witness through me, and forgive me for my flaws is just awesome. No matter where I am and no matter what my Monday brings, a good cup of Chief’s coffee (US Navy Chief Petty Officers make the best coffee – ever) and a good dose of God just gets me going.

Think of it this way. Isaiah 24 talks about the devastation of the Earth at God’s hand.

“See, the LORD is going to lay waste to the earth and devastate it; he will ruin its face and scatter its inhabitants – it will be the same for priest as for people, for the master as for his servant, for the mistress as for her servant, for seller as for buyer, for borrower as for lender, for debtor as for creditor. The earth will be completely laid waste and totally plundered. The LORD has spoken this word.” (Isa 24: 1-3, NIV)

Over the weekend I read a couple articles about the use of chemical weapons in Syria, by the sovereign ruler of the nation against his own people. Syria, so close to the birthplace of humanity and yet so far from God. Or is it?

“I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only. No one can hide where I cannot see them. Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth?” (Jer 23:23-24, GNT)

He is I am. He is in Syria with the bombed masses, in India with the Hindus, in the UK with the atheist, In the Philippines with the Islamic State and in Sin City with me, on a Monday, drinking coffee.

He is – I Am – on a Monday with coffee.

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