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2022 - God Provides.

God provides.

That's it.

That's enough.

When I titled this blog a few years back, I made it clear that we are about recognizing the superiority of God's hand in all things. Since then, we've flipped Presidential Administrations twice, seen the rise and plateau of pandemic and response, watched global connections fray as the supply chain ground to a halt, and counted the losses from the wars in the Middle East and West Asia, rising tides, tornadoes, and terrors. But have we once thought to count what we have instead of what we've lost?

Servant Leader, leading through service means more than focusing on what others need to become successful. It means more than filling the gaps and eliminating weaknesses. It means more than making peace and bridging the divide so that we can all move forward as a while.

Servant leadership means recognizing God's hand in everything and counting the blessings before counting the cost. In Matthew, Jesus modeled a simple prayer that we can all follow in communing with Him and in life. (Follow - not mimic.)

"Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen." (Matt 6:9-13, NKJV)

You see, Servant Leader, even Christ in His model prayer counted blessings before counting cost. He could have said, "Our Father in heaven, as everyone within the sound of my voice will meet a painful and gut-wrenching demise in Our name..." But He didn't. He praised the Father, established His relationship between God the Father, he the Son, and we who are His followers, and counted their blessings, all before seeking God's favor in repentance for His flock. (Note: v 12 is Jesus teaching His servants how and when repent, not repenting Himself.)

So, as we head into 2022, Servant Leader, let's decidedly count our blessings long before we weigh any cost. Maybe by reprioritizing and refocusing, by placing God's generosity and grace at the forefront of this year, we can become who God knows we can be.

And when we run into trouble - and there will be trouble (Romans 3:23) - remember the last thing Jesus taught us in "The Lord's Prayer."

"For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever."

Count your blessings before you count the cost in 2022.

Because God provides.

And that's enough.




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