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What's in a Name?

What truly is in a name?

Shakespeare wrote poetically about a rose.

Turks favor Istanbul...or is it Constantinople?

"Woman" is less a name these days, now that we have "Birthing People."(1)

And then there's abortion.

Liberals call it "Pro Choice" and claim that, since life is a legal term defined by when the State grants sentience that any fetus(2) or parasitic cells. After all, "baby," "fetus," and "parasite" are just names.

Conservatives call it "Murder" and claim that life is sacred, can begin at conception(3) or with the first heartbeat(4). "Thou shalt not kill" is a common trope even non-Christian Conservatives rely on in arguing against abortion.

But what does "abortion" mean to me and you, Servant Leader, and why am I writing about it now, in a blog about Love vs. Hate?

Well, because complex issues challenge our everyday lives and business practices, even if we have no dog in the fight. Issues like abortion, Roe v. Wade, and other deeply personal social and legal issues can be volatile(5). And we as Servant Leaders must be prepared to address them if (and when) they impact our business. More than money, sales, or reputation, these are the type of issues that can divide a workforce.

Let's be clear. Abortion is a social issue. Many people from varying backgrounds and different walks of life have religious, spiritual, moral, ethical, or pragmatic convictions regarding abortion. Abortion divides our nation more than Mets/Yankees or Brady the Patriot vs. Brady the Buc - and we're passionate about sports in America. Despite (and possibly because of) the laws, personal convictions, or financial arguments, abortion is a firebrand - even a taboo - for discussions in the workplace. But as a servant leader, we cannot avoid the conversation, else we risk allowing division to undermine our team. So, what do we do, Servant Leader, when the Left and Right within our team cannot fathom finding middle ground?

Well, the answer is strikingly simple.


That's right, Servant Leader. Listen to what your people are saying. Hear their "why." Empathize with the reasons behind their stance and do not try to inject your own beliefs. The only way to truly understand why someone takes a stance on an issue like abortion is to listen deeply to them with the intent to learn, not change or reinforce their position. Listen and truly hear what they are saying.

"So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God." (Jas 1:19-20, NKJV)

The Bible is very clear on troubling, deeply divisive issues. Don't interfere and don't allow your team's deeply held convictions be its undoing. Listen to your team and teach them to listen to each other - not with the intent on changing their minds, either. Listen to better understand your team. Listening allows you to respect their decision, even if it violates your own strongly held spiritual convictions.

And if for some reason someone on your team just cannot live with that, then set boundaries. It is okay for some topics to be off limits. You are their boss, their leader, even if you are socially friendly. Serving your team sometimes means making hard decisions for their own good. Setting boundaries is sometimes the best way to be the Peacemaker the team needs.

Peacemaker. Now there's a name to aspire to. (Matthew 5:9)


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